Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Welcome to the Van Clan blog for the 2012-2013 school year. I will update this page often throughout the school year. This website will have things that are happening in class, give upcoming events, include online games, have videos, include student weekly reviews and much more. 

My goal is to make the blog a place where parents and students visit often. The easiest way to keep up with posts is to subscribe to the blog via e-mail. At the right of the page there is a Follow By Email box. Insert your e-mail there and every time I send a new post an e-mail will be sent to you. You may also want to bookmark this on your home computer if you would like your child to access it.

At the top of the blog are links to the home page, educational games, videos, and our schedule.  The games and videos page has links to that we'll use throughout the year.  In previous years I have added the games as we learned them, but I'd like the students to have access to the educational games all year.

At the bottom of the blog is a Scholastic Book Wizard.  This allows students to look up books they are reading at home to find the reading level.  It has been helpful to other students in the past.

Thanks for stopping by the blog and if you have any questions about the classroom or blog feel free to e-mail me at

Scholastic Book Finder