Friday, June 4, 2010

Last Post

This is the last post of the year. Thanks for following. I have been asked to close this website so it doesn't stay up forever. I will leave it up for a month or so longer though. So, if there are any games or videos you'd like to watch do it soon!

Have a great summer!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Hobby Fair

Odds and Ends

- Today is our hobby fair at 2:30. Students will be bringing their things from the hobby fair home tonight.

- Students will also bring home their states pillows tonights.

- We'll be cleaning out desks tonight so they will also be bringing home their extra desk supplies, notebooks, and folders.

- Remember, tomorrow we will not have a picnic, but there will be several fun activities still planned for the half day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Folklore Village

I had hoped to take more pictures during the activities, but the adults were doing the activities too so I didn't get as many as I had hoped. It was a beautiful day for our field trip and it was lots of fun too.

Below is a slide show of the day. There is music if you'd like to play it. In the top left hand corner is a speaker button and if you click on it will play the music.

Scholastic Book Finder