Monday, August 31, 2009

Picture Day!

Don't forget that picture day is on Wednesday, September 2nd. Don't forget to have your child bring in their order form and dress nicely.

Our pictures are at around 11:00 a.m. so we won't have had any recesses yet, but we do have P.E. right away in the morning. Hopefully, they won't get too sweaty during that time.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hello and welcome to the Van Clan News. This year instead of a newsletter I am going to use a blog to update parents about what is going on in the classroom. If you do not have Internet access I will copy and paste all the posts and send them to you once every other week.

As for Internet safety, the blog will have photos of the students, students first names, and possibly student work. In accordance with the school's acceptible use policy the blog will not show last names or personal information (phone numbers, address, e-mail accounts, etc). If you have any questions feel free to ask me or e-mail me about them:

As the year goes on I will give parents updates of what we are doing in class, have photos of class activities, have links to useful sites or educational games, and link to educational sites and videos.

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Scholastic Book Finder