The Van Clan has been doing a great job in Reading Counts. I am very proud of the effort and determination they have shown for this program.
To review, we started Reading Counts at the beginning of the second quarter. Students take a test on the computer to recieve a Lexile. The students then use their Lexile scores to find books with similar Lexile scores. By doing this, they are able to find books that will challenge them, but not frustrate them. After reading a book they take a test and if they get seven or more out of ten right they pass the test.
In third grade, we are keeping track of the number of words they have read throughout the year. The middle school, who also uses reading counts, has a goal of 1 million words in a year. Here is how the Van Clan has done in a quarter and a half.
5 students are over 100,000 words!
5 more students are over 50,000 words!
Every child in the Van Clan is over 25,000 words!
Keep up the great work!